besoin de traduction urgente merci a tous?
jocelyn b
2007-12-05 04:55:43 UTC
Analyses du risques de micro-crédit au seins de la Banque DEXIA »
« Management qualité, communication , négociation
Coordination de 3 vendeurs et suivi du plan marketing (+10%) sur objectif
Accueil physique et télèphonique, suivi vendeurs, rédactions des compromis de vente, suivi
administratif des dossiers de vente jusqu'à la signature, préparation et mise a jour des publicité
papiers, travaux administratif divers
Relance, suivi des dossiers commercial jusqu'à la cloture
face to face sales.
Réalisation d’une étude de la concurrence : recherche d’informations sur les concurrents direct et
Prospection téléphonique
Gestion de la relation clients au quotidien : négociations prix, mise en place d’actions commercial, .
Marketing operationnel
Huit réponses:
2007-12-05 04:59:38 UTC
que est la question?
2007-12-05 16:34:04 UTC
Traducteur... c'est une profession... ou pour le moins un métier, un job ... qui se rémunère!!!

Aider, dépanner, rendre service est une chose...

Se faire pigeonner en est une autre... surtout pour des transactions à l'évidence professionnelles!

Je trouve ta demande assez osée!

Good luck!
2007-12-05 13:14:20 UTC
hum I'm sorry I don't speak english :-s !
2007-12-05 13:11:40 UTC
Analysis of micro-credit risks of breast DEXIA Bank "

"Quality Management, communication, negotiation

 Coordination of 3 sellers and followed by the marketing plan (+10%) on target

 Home physical and télèphonique followed vendors, editors of the sales, followed

Administrative records of sale until the signing, preparation and updating of advertising

Paper, various administrative work

 Recovery, file tracking trading until the closing

 face to face sales.

 Preparation of a study of competition: seeking information about competitors and direct


 telephone Prospecting

 relationship management clients on a daily basis: negotiating prices, introduction of trade.

 operational Marketing
ticia D
2007-12-05 13:03:43 UTC
What ????
2007-12-05 13:02:58 UTC
gabriel o
2007-12-05 13:02:10 UTC
2007-12-05 13:20:23 UTC
Analysis of micro-credit risks of breast DEXIA Bank "

"Quality Management, communication, negotiation

3 sellers' Coordination and following marketing plan (+10%) on target

Home physical and phonique, sellers following, editors of the sales,

Administrative records of sale following until the signing, preparation and updating of advertising

Paper, various administrative work

Recovery, file tracking trading until the closing

face to face sales.

study of competition's realisation : seeking information about competitors direct and indirect

Phone Prospecting

Daily managing clients' relationship : prices' negotiating, introduction of trade.

operational Marketing

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